If you happen to be free on Friday November 6th, please come to the fundraiser I'm putting together. It's a drag show - but not just any drag show. It's our 6th annual Lipstick and Lyrics drag show where boys dress as girls, they sing LIVE, and show you what they are made of.
This year's show is called BRINT IT ON! 17 drag queens are going to bring down to compete for your affections. We will also be raffling off 2 roundtrip airline tickets to anywhere in the continental US from Ortibz among other fantastic prizes.
So even if you do have plans on Friday, November 6th, CANCEL THEM! And come to my show. It's going to be fantastic. Don't believe me? Watch this video:
Even after watching that video, if you still can't come, please consider donating to the chorus on behalf of Lipstick and Lyrics (aske me how). The chorus is a fantastic organization I've been a member of since 2001 and it has changed my life is so many amazing ways. Please help us out. But we'd rather see your face at the event, SO BRING IT ON!
CGMC's Lipstick and Lyrics: BRINT IT ON
Friday, November 6th
Hosted bar at 8:00 show at 9:30
Hydrate Chicago, 3458 North Halsted
$15 online or $20 at the door, so buy your tickets NOW.
Tickets are available NOW and can be purchased here.
This year's show is called BRINT IT ON! 17 drag queens are going to bring down to compete for your affections. We will also be raffling off 2 roundtrip airline tickets to anywhere in the continental US from Ortibz among other fantastic prizes.
So even if you do have plans on Friday, November 6th, CANCEL THEM! And come to my show. It's going to be fantastic. Don't believe me? Watch this video:
Even after watching that video, if you still can't come, please consider donating to the chorus on behalf of Lipstick and Lyrics (aske me how). The chorus is a fantastic organization I've been a member of since 2001 and it has changed my life is so many amazing ways. Please help us out. But we'd rather see your face at the event, SO BRING IT ON!
CGMC's Lipstick and Lyrics: BRINT IT ON
Friday, November 6th
Hosted bar at 8:00 show at 9:30
Hydrate Chicago, 3458 North Halsted
$15 online or $20 at the door, so buy your tickets NOW.
Tickets are available NOW and can be purchased here.